This week, pumpkin faces filled our halls dressed as some of our all-time favorite characters as well as some brand new ones too! It was amazing to see such variety and creativity. (The photo of all the pumpkins on display accidentally got deleted from my phone)...but believe me when I say...I could not believe my eyes! The children should be so proud. In Language Arts...
In math...
In Science...
With Halloween around the corner and so much excitement in the air , it's been a very interesting week. For many children it can be a little hard to come back to school after a break, but it was a fun-filled week and we were able to get right back into our routines like we never missed a beat! Students reflected on their learning from 1st quarter and put together their evidence binders and are working on their online portfolios. Here is a summary of what happened in our classroom: In Langauge Arts...
In math...
In Social Studies...
Ecsedy's Stranger Danger ComicREMINDERS AND ANNOUCEMENTS