With a heavy heart we bid farewell to Mr. E, our Chaminade O & P student (student teacher) who was with us twice a week since September. We will miss having him in our classroom to assist in our learning. We wish him all the best as he continues the next chapter in his journey to becoming a teacher!
Here is a summary of what happened in our classroom:
In Langauge Arts... Last week...
This week...
In math...
In Science...
Students had another exciting week participating in our Halloween Parade with our 1st grade buddy class and enjoyed coming dressed up to school in costume. Please check out the photo page. CANDY CANDY OH MY! I know with Halloween just ending, you have a lot of candy around the house. Please reframe from sending candy with your child as a snack. Let's encourage healthy choices! We also want students to maintain their focus during instructional hours and candy will not help. Please adhere to our Ho`okele Wellness Policy. Here is a summary of what happened in our classroom: In Langauge Arts...
In math...