The children are getting very accustom to their new classroom as they are finding their fitting place and becoming comfortable with their surroundings as well as rules and routines. Here is a summary of what happened in our classroom: Getting to Know Each Other…
In Langauge Arts...
In math...
What another engaged week we had together learning about each other and building a safe learning environment for us all. We are still learning about routines of our classroom that will help us to be efficient. Some of these routines include: classroom jobs, morning routines & bellwork, lining up & washing up for lunch, and signing in every morning. Here is a summary of what happened in our classroom: Getting to Know Each Other…
In Langauge Arts...
In math...
What a wonderful (and BUSY!) first week we had in school! It was an exciting week getting to know the children (who I am enjoying immensely), setting up routines, and creating a safe and open environment where the children will grow and learn this school year.